3 Days in Brief
- Lowest 10°C (Oct. 11)
- Precipitation 1.34mm
- Highest 15°C (Oct. 12)
- Humidity 52% Average
- Highest chance of rain 79% (Oct. 11)
- Sunshine hours11 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Asturias For The Next 3 Days
Friday - October 11
Light Rain
It feels like 19°
- Day/Night: 17°/15°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/15°
- Rainfall: 0.39
- Min/Max 10°/19°
- Humidity 65%
- Wind 4.03 km/h
- Pressure 1,008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:32 PM/00:47 AM
- Visibility 7 km
- Day/Night 17°/15
- Morning/Afternoon 10°/15
- Rainfall 0.39
Rainfall in Asturias in Friday - October 11
Temperature in Asturias in Friday - October 11
Saturday - October 12
Light Rain
It feels like 25°
- Day/Night: 24°/15°
- Morning/Afternoon: 15°/17°
- Rainfall: 0.95
- Min/Max 15°/25°
- Humidity 49%
- Wind 2.85 km/h
- Pressure 1,007 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:33 PM/00:45 AM
- Visibility 7 km
- Day/Night 24°/15
- Morning/Afternoon 15°/17
- Rainfall 0.95
Rainfall in Asturias in Saturday - October 12
Temperature in Asturias in Saturday - October 12
Sunday - October 13
Clear Sky
It feels like 25°
- Day/Night: 25°/16°
- Morning/Afternoon: 14°/17°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 14°/25°
- Humidity 42%
- Wind 3.3 km/h
- Pressure 1,014 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:35 PM/00:43 AM
- Visibility 7 km
- Day/Night 25°/16
- Morning/Afternoon 14°/17
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Asturias in Sunday - October 13
Temperature in Asturias in Sunday - October 13
3-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
3-Day Rainfall Forecast for Asturias
Asturias's weather
- Avilés
- Belmonte
- Callezuela
- Candás
- Castropol
- Colunga
- El Berrón
- Gijón
- Illano
- La Vega
- Llanes
- Lugones
- Moreda
- Noreña
- Parres
- Pola de Allande
- Pola de Somiedo
- Ribadesella
- Sames
- San Pedro
- Santullano
- Taramundi
- Villabre
- Villaviciosa
- A Veiga
- Aller
- Alles
- Arriondas
- Barredos
- Bárzana
- Beleño
- Benia de Onís
- Boal
- Cabanaquinta
- Caborana
- Campo de Caso
- Cancienes
- Cangas del Narcea
- Cangues d'Onís
- Carreña
- Coaña
- Colloto
- Colombres
- Corredoria
- Cudillero
- Degaña
- El Entrego
- El Llano
- Entrevías
- Grau
- Grullos
- Infiesto
- La Camocha
- La Plaza
- Langreo
- Las Vegas
- Llanera
- Lluanco
- Luarca
- Lugo de Llanera
- Martimporra
- Mieres del Camín
- Muros
- Nava
- Navia
- Nubledo
- Oviedo
- Panes
- Pesoz
- Piedras Blancas
- Pilona
- Pola de Laviana
- Pola de Lena
- Pola de Siero
- Posada
- Prado
- Pravia
- Proaza
- Raíces Nuevo
- Rioturbio
- Rusecu
- Salas
- San Antolín
- San Martín de Oscos
- San Martín del Rey Aurelio
- Santa Eulalia
- Santa Eulalia de Oscos
- Siero
- Soto
- Soto de Ribera
- Tameza
- Tapia de Casariego
- Tineo
- Ujo
- Urbanización la Fresneda
- Villanueva
- Villanueva de Oscos
Frequently asked questions
1.How humid will it be in Asturias over the next 3 days?
Humidity levels will average around 52% over the next 3 days.
2.Is there a chance of rain in Asturias during the next 3 days?
There's a 9% chance of rain on 12 October, decreasing to 3% on 11 October, and 0% on 13 October.
3.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Asturias for the next 3 days?
Over the next 3 days, expect highs of around 25°C (77.0°F) and lows of approximately 10°C (50.0°F).
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Asturias s' weather
Broken Clouds
It feels like 16°
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:33 PM / 00:45 AM
- Min/Max 15°/16°
- Humidity 86%
- Pressure 1005 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 9.94 km/h
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 210.29
- NH3 1.49
- NO 0
- NO2 4.41
- O3 60.8
- PM10 1.1
- PM25 0.79
- SO2 0.24
Sunrise / Sunset
13:33 PM
00:45 AM