7 Days in Brief
- Lowest 9°C (Nov. 02)
- Precipitation 0.12mm
- Highest 18°C (Nov. 02)
- Humidity 60% Average
- Highest chance of rain 20% (Nov. 04)
- Sunshine hours 10 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Galicia For The Next 7 Days
Fri 01/11
10° / 17°
Broken Clouds
4 km/h
10° / 17°
- Day/Night: 16°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/12°
- Pressure: 1019 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:06 PM/00:25 AM
- Wind: 4 km/h
- Humidity: 65%
Sat 02/11
9° / 18°
Clear Sky
1.89 km/h
9° / 18°
- Day/Night: 18°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 9°/13°
- Pressure: 1020 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:07 PM/00:24 AM
- Wind: 1.89 km/h
- Humidity: 59%
Sun 03/11
10° / 18°
Scattered Clouds
2.82 km/h
10° / 18°
- Day/Night: 16°/12°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/12°
- Pressure: 1019 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:09 PM/00:23 AM
- Wind: 2.82 km/h
- Humidity: 63%
Mon 04/11
11° / 17°
Light Rain
2.78 km/h
11° / 17°
- Day/Night: 17°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 11°/12°
- Pressure: 1021 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:10 PM/00:21 AM
- Wind: 2.78 km/h
- Humidity: 60%
Tue 05/11
9° / 18°
Clear Sky
1.68 km/h
9° / 18°
- Day/Night: 17°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 9°/12°
- Pressure: 1024 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:11 PM/00:20 AM
- Wind: 1.68 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Wed 06/11
10° / 18°
Scattered Clouds
2.04 km/h
10° / 18°
- Day/Night: 18°/12°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/13°
- Pressure: 1027 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:12 PM/00:19 AM
- Wind: 2.04 km/h
- Humidity: 58%
Thu 07/11
10° / 18°
Clear Sky
2.44 km/h
10° / 18°
- Day/Night: 17°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/12°
- Pressure: 1024 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 14:14 PM/00:18 AM
- Wind: 2.44 km/h
- Humidity: 56%
7-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
7-Day Rainfall Forecast for Galicia
Galicia's weather
- A Fonsagrada
- A Coruña
- A Rúa de Valdeorras
- Aguiño
- Arteijo
- Bertamiráns
- Carballo
- Culleredo
- Foz
- Marín
- Mugardos
- Noia
- O Grove
- O Vicedo
- Padrón
- Portomarín
- Ribeira
- Santa Comba
- Verín
- Vimianzo
- A Bola
- A Cañiza
- A Esfarrapada
- A Estrada
- A Guarda
- A Laracha
- A Pobra do Caramiñal
- A Serra de Outes
- A Veiga
- A Vila da Igrexa
- Allariz
- Ames
- Ares
- Arousa
- As Pontes de García Rodríguez
- Bembibre
- Beo
- Betanzos
- Boiro
- Burela
- Camariñas
- Cambados
- Cambre
- Cangas
- Castrelo do Val
- Cedeira
- Cee
- Celanova
- Cuntis
- Fene
- Ferrol
- Fisterra
- Gándara
- Lalín
- Lugo
- Malpica de Bergantiños
- Miño
- Moaña
- Monforte de Lemos
- Mos
- Muros
- Muxía
- Narón
- Nigrán
- O Barco
- O Carballiño
- O Consistorio
- O Convento
- O Pazo de Irixoa
- O Pereiro de Aguiar
- O Porriño
- Oleiros
- Ordes
- Ourense
- Oza
- Paradela
- Ponte Caldelas
- Ponteareas
- Pontevedra
- Ramirás
- Redondela
- Rianxo
- Ribadeo
- Ru
- Sada
- San Marcos
- Santa Uxía
- Santiago de Compostela
- Sarria
- Teixeiro
- Teo
- Tui
- Valdoviño
- Vigo
- Vilagarcía
- Vilalba
- Viveiro
- Xinzo de Limia
- Xove
- Zas
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Galicia over the next 7 days?
Over the next 7 days, Galicia is expected to experience highs averaging around 9°C to 18°C, with the warmest day likely to be around 18°C. The nighttime lows are expected to be between 11°C and 12°C
2.How much rain is forecasted in Galicia for the coming week?
The cumulative rainfall for Galicia over the next 7 days is forecasted to be in the range of 0mm to 0.12mm.
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Galicia s' weather
Few Clouds
It feels like 11°
- Sunrise/Sunset 14:06 PM / 00:25 AM
- Min/Max 12°/12°
- Humidity 84%
- Pressure 1021 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 4.32 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 195.27
- NH3 1.03
- NO 0
- NO2 2.4
- O3 52.93
- PM10 0.69
- PM25 0.5
- SO2 0.03
Sunrise / Sunset
14:06 PM
00:25 AM